Thursday, 10 April 2008



been long since i have not blogged.. peeps who missed my blog entries, i apologise. But the person who might be affected is myself, looking back in life and regretting it when things are forgotten.

Hence,i'm here to record my life down.

For the past weeks it has been kind of hectic for me, both mental and physical; getting more quick-tempered and getting really weak (cough+ flu+ heatiness currently) as a main result of not getting enough sleep. Why you might ask, but if you have read ruo han or zi ming (new)blog or tony or edvwin's blog, you'll know the answer. Life has been filled with Drum practice and Drama rehearsal. So much that my MSN nick has been changed to "Yu Jun is blind to the obvious, On the edge of breaking down and Missing out personal life. However, for his (artist's)sake, will persevere and hope that others won't mind and support 'Death of A Hero' ".. That is basically a summary of my life and emotions. According to Sing Chun, i'm 'seow on' drums now: Wed-teach YYSS drums, Thur-Drama rehearsal, Fri-Drama rehearsal, Sat- Drum practice in the morning, Drama in the evening, Sun-work for family, Mon-teach Drum at YYSS.. hmm, Tuesday is DAY-OFF!! well, my week routine is basically disturbed. but nonetheless, i will push myself to the limit in hope that the return sense of achievement will be good.

then yesterday after the YOG appreciation dinner with some ZingO-ians at Orchard Hotel, with a tummy fulled of average tasting food, it was only a short while before i dozed off to get rest, expecting to get well this morning. During the sleep from 2300hrs to 0830hrs, i recall one dream that i felt really good. That's the strongest motivation for me to post this blog. Perhaps due to the fact that i have not had such a long sleep for ages and i could snooze after my phone rang in the alarm mode that i can recall the dream. The content of the dream is personal, so i won't go into the details, but roughly, it was a departure and then i found the person (read: non-human entity, just came to me in a human form). When the person left with me, i got that feeling that still lingers and resides in me now. I've been thinking about the dream all th day; during breakfast, during wearing contact lens, during taking the bus, while looking the gorgeous girl at the counter, during lectures, during lunch, well, you get my point.

What leaves me pondering is should i look for this person? i've never seen this person before, i cannot remember the look on the face, i cannot remember the feature, only the feeling. Hmm, generally the majority of life would just brush off my question by saying that it's just a dream and just that, nothing else. But irrationally, i feel the urge to ponder over the question further unlike the majority and hopefully get a answer or direction.

Another thing that i wanna record down would be a talk that i had with xiao jun wen, or rather an answer that he dug out off me during dinner. he asked "why are you still in ZingO?" Half stunned and halfway in thinking mode, i gave several reasons(7 actually) why i am still in ZingO. i have the temptation of writing an research paper to support my ideas and reasons. well, if i have had the time, i would. (trust me, i'm not being lazy here. maybe i'll work on it during the holidays) The origin of this temptation actually come from me wanting to answer the long-un-answered-question and to let my other friends who have undefined plans to know what i feel and determine if we have common ground, common reasons for us being in ZingO. Some of the reasons i highlighted are as followes.
  1. the Zodiacs are still here in ZingO
  2. i would not have a life without being involved in ZingO (read: i devoted my life at ZingO)
  3. there is a sense of achievement when accomplishing the tasks and performance on hand.
  4. i can learn a lot of things (drama, props making, drums, etc) from being actively involved in ZingO
  5. Passion

that's all for today, as well as class ends.