Saturday, 1 September 2007

ta ma de!


i need to vent my frustrations now. or else, i can't go bath, can't fall asleep and can't decide if i am gg to pon tmrw's practice, i mean today's practice.

well, as a gesture of couresty and friendship (even if asked to go home first), i got all the others to wait for our president[who is pretty much 'gay', emo and self egoistic(very)] at CCHY before heading home and what do you get when you in return for waiting for your beloved president who 'just so happens to be emo at that moment'? A scolding.

it's not fair, is it?

you act aloof in the midst of jokes and laughter( which you may be very much used to from the same pple who has been alongside for soon-to-be 5 years). then if we are too jovial to fit your mood of emo-ness, tell us lar. it's not like we won't shut up if we need the mood to be serious. then wat happens is that we carry on and you got enough of the laughter that contradicts with your emo-ness. and you blow up!

all i am saying is I AM VERY MUCH PISSED!!!

should have drank more just now. then the alcohol effects won't wear off quickly and the pissed feelings comes straight to your brain and heart right now.

maybe if i was drunk i will be irrational and go beat up chun ann. HAH

ok lar getting late.

gg to bath. and shall post the pictures and more info abt teacher's day for this shi_t_y day next time.

Tired and Pissed


i saw you today, nice hair cut and you should just come and pass me the wrong design shirt yourself. you are the one who is escaping.

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