Thursday, 8 November 2007

ZingO Recruitment Drive 2007


Well, as you may or may not know, ZingO recruitment drive is on!!!

It will be on the 24th of Nov (Saturday) and will be held at Chung Cheng High School (Yishun). I will let you know of the other details in the reply email.

Some minimum requirements:
(I can't possibly list it all down)

-*at least 14 years of age or secondary 2 of education; which ever is higher*
-interest in ZingO and willing to commit in ZingO
-physically able
-positive attitude and personality
-looks pleasant to the eyes(we are performers after all)

I will need to submit a list of the participants to the principal of CCHY by the 17th of Nov. Interested parties, *pls contact me through email as a form of registration before the 17th with the subject as 'ZingO recruitment 2007' follow by your full name.*

Send it to either of the following emailing addresses will do:

Pls include the following information in the email you will be sending to me:
-NRIC number
-School (current/latest)
[Note: please send the email on your own behalf. ]

Hope to see you there!!

Yu Jun
ZingO (Welfare)
(*changes made, do take note)

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