Monday 14 January 2008



haven been touching my blog for sometime, sorry abt that. when you are busy with the same few stuff that doesn't require you to use the computer cum Internet, you kinda forget that you have a laptop with good connection at home and you neglect your blog and so on so forth. but that won't happen for maybe until April. well, at least i think and hope i have time for both of my blogs, since i have to create a blog on wordpress for my new course, COM101's assignment, and that is to have a communication blog. well, i will come back to the communication blog again later.

from the last post, 5th Jan, til now, more or less 2 weeks, i have been doing 3 main activities; running as a form of exercise, working for my dad and lastly sleeping when i have the time. occasionally, i would go shopping for my new year clothes and maybe help out at a few (the third by tomorrow) CCA orientations at the various schools with festive drums. well, that's kinda boring but then i guess that's pretty much of my holidays. yea, so if you were interested with my holiday life, that's pretty much it.

today is the first day of school , well, i met with 3 of my lecturers and i can say they are pretty different from the previous lecturers, but then, who is completely in this world. out of the 3, 2 of them are from the States and for some weird reasons, maybe they practised hypnotism or really good at monotone speaking, the class environment was kinda like a graveyard with the only priest holding the ceremony, reading the names out from a list. on the perspective that i like quiet studying environment, i might survive the grave studying atmosphere after all. haha.

went to Vivo to get my CNY shopping done, now left with only the shoes. well, gonna get a cheap pair from the nearest BATA store or some lace like that. well, it's not me to get a pair of $100++ leather shoe that i am gg to crack it and soil it with dirt. maybe not now when my income is my allowance. hmm, i spent a lot already, hence, closing the shopping spreed soon.

ok, i'm pretty much tired with everything today, so sleep time. *haha, no school tmr, but then need to get started with my readings anyway. so tmr is gonna be running/working-out and reading day!!


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