Monday, 3 December 2007


Yo PPle.

the Finals exams are finally here and i am recidivist again.. to help you understand that word, i will be posting my definition essay based on that word some other days..cause the soft copy is in my thumbdrive, not in the computer, and it is with hiu tung, awaiting to be filled with songs.. oh my, how i miss ESL408 already.

anyway, trying to absorb all the advices from those who commented on my previous post.. it's hard to piece everything like a perfect puzzle, so i let time do the bigger part of the job. on a side note, i am deem as petty and an obnoxiously conceited person. nvm that.
some personality trails to be changed.
1) Do not treat the pretty little boys as friends, else they think of me as gay or even pedophile.
2) talk less, the less i talk, the less trouble i will get into right? and the involvement with otheres reduces and hence expectations will greatly reduce.
3) Psychoanalysis myself. plus self-conginitive therapy.
n) [to be thought some other time].

and birthday celebrations at KFC is like one of a kind but the positive effects of the company around overspill the not-so-good environment.

here's one pic from the birthday celebration of Julie, Zhen and Sarah, taken with kaii.

what big hands we have! all for the buddy meal!

hey, dun let your thoughts run wild, we are "buddies".. for $10.95.


and today, i did a very weird thing. on my way from KAP to SIM, i saw some ignited sawdust, with the ignition starting from a burning cigarette butt. then i just kicked the burnt areas, thinking that it will cause the combustion to cease. then when i walked past the same place on my way to take the bus home, i saw more areas burning.. oops, i was spreading the combustion. what a mistake. then the normal me would just walked away and went to take the bus home, however, i went to Cold Storage to buy 3 litres of water and went back to that area to put out the combustion. didn't even know why i did that. but curse the guy or gal who threw the cigarette butt on the sawdust. i reckon some of the plants there might be unable to survive since they were being overheated.

anyway, it's the exams time and i am sick, feeling damn heaty in the throat and nose. hope i can survive the exams in the state and hope that the unwellness won't evolve into a more powerful state.

haiz, off to get some off-the-counter-medicine.

nights pple!

ONg LAi/YuJun
ps. i think i am gg to flunk my PSY101.

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