Sunday 14 June 2009

it's been a long time people.

hello people.

it's been a long time since i clisk on my keyboard on this 3-year old laptop blogging. so, here i'm in case you missed my presense in the information technology world.

reason for the lag in updating? hmmm, easy, above i mentioned that i am typing on a 3-year old laptop. and this beloved laptop has been through much with me, introducing me to the feeling of owning a computer for the first time, been through all the virus fighting after a year or maybe more of usage (the war still rages on time to time), letting cope with university life and finishing my projects and a whole lot of other stuff.

but it has been giving me trouble. need to move on i guess. so until then, i won't be blogging so often.

as they always say, "sorry for the uncovenience caused", sorry to myself i suppose.

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